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Using Apache Shiro


  1. Why Apache Shiro?
  2. Apache Shiro at RedDog
    1. Enabling Apache Shiro
    2. Configuring Apache Shiro
      1. Users information
      2. Basic authentication
      3. Restrict access
        1. Basic authentication with permissive access
        2. Basic authentication with restrictive access
        3. Basic authentication with permissive and restrictive access
        4. Disable basic authentication
    3. Apache Shiro’s Subject
  3. More documentation

Why Apache Shiro?

Apache ShiroTM is an open source security framework provided by the Apache Software Fundation licensed just as RedDog’s (Apache License 2.0). Citing Apache Shiro’s own description:

Apache Shiro™ is a powerful and easy-to-use Java security framework that performs authentication, authorization, cryptography, and session management.

RedDog uses Apache ShiroTM in order to provide authentication mechanisms as described in RFC 7481 section 3.2, since the framework facilitates these tasks thanks to its flexibility.

Apache Shiro at RedDog

This section will explain how RedDog uses Apache ShiroTM, this configuration can be altered in order to suite whatever needs the implementer has.

Warning Before further reading, it’s recommended that the reader visit Apache Shiro Reference Documentation.

Currently RedDog has the following dependencies from Apache Shiro:

Enabling Apache Shiro

By default Apache Shiro is enabled and loaded from the server configuration, this is achieved with the following lines at WEB-INF/web.xml:




Using this lines, Apache Shiro is expecting to find a configuration file at any of the options:

By default, RedDog has the configuration file at WEB-INF/shiro.ini; file that is explained in the following section.

This configuration has been obtained following Apache Shiro’s documentation. To learn more about Apache Shiro’s Configuration, click here.

Configuring Apache Shiro

Once Apache Shiro has been enabled, the configuration file is needed, just as stated in the previous section. This file is at WEB-INF/shiro.ini and currently has a default configuration, that can be altered to satisfy whatever needs the implementer has.

Just as the configuration set at WEB-INF/web.xml, this configuration is based on Apache Shiro’s documentation. To learn more about Apache Shiro’s INI Configuration, click here and here.

Basically RedDog’s WEB-INF/shiro.ini file has the following behavior regarding to the use of Apache Shiro:

Each of these behaviors is explained in the following sections.

Warning WARNING: RedDog has authentication disabled by default, using the anon filter; if authentication is needed, the following steps will help to enable authentication using Apache Shiro.

Users information

Users and its corresponding roles are loaded from a database, using a BasicDataSource object. This object can be configured with the necessary properties to reach a database and get the necessary data from there. Here’s how that configuration looks like in the WEB-INF/shiro.ini file (inside the [main] section):


ds = org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSource 
ds.driverClassName = 
ds.url = 
ds.username = 
ds.password = 

After the declaration and configuration, the BasicDataSource is set as the DataSource of the CustomSecurityRealm class that extends the Shiro’s JdbcRealm class. Beside this, the queries that are used to authenticate a user and get its roles must also be defined (all this is still inside the [main] section):


customRealm = mx.nic.rdap.server.shiro.CustomSecurityRealm
customRealm.dataSource = $ds
customRealm.authenticationQuery = 
customRealm.userRolesQuery = 

Warning If the implementer is using the SQL implementation provided by RedDog, the queries will be something like this:

customRealm.authenticationQuery = SELECT rus_pass FROM rdap_user WHERE rus_name = ?
customRealm.userRolesQuery = SELECT rar_name FROM rdap_user_role WHERE rus_name = ?

Both queries must receive the user’s name to retrieve the corresponding information.

Warning If user roles are going to be used, these must be also configured at property user_roles when Configuring RedDog’s Server Behavior. When validating user roles, the characters case is indifferent (eg. Role ‘JUDGE’ is the same that ‘judge’).

The customRealm must be used, and so is assigned to the default SecurityManager:


securityManager.realms = $customRealm

As the reader may note, the users are loaded from a database and also is expected that its passwords are stored as plain text. This behavior can be modified to suite other needs (probably some needs related to security aspects). If the reader wishes to learn more about this, probably Apache Shiro Configuration will be of help, or also the section More documentation could be visited.

Info Apache Shiro simplifies and encourage the use of hashed passwords, just as seen in its docs “HashedCredentialsMatcher” and “Encrypting Passwords”. To aid the implementer in the use and configuration of hashed passwords, the WEB-INF/shiro.ini file has some comments and examples about the subject.

Basic authentication

The server supports Basic Authentication using the BasicHttpAuthenticationFilter filter provided by Apache Shiro. Currently only 2 attributes of the filter are configured:

The following lines are the ones that set the configuration mentioned in the previous paragraph:


authcBasic = org.apache.shiro.web.filter.authc.BasicHttpAuthenticationFilter
authcBasic.applicationName = rdap-server
authcBasic.enabled = false

This filter works in conjunction with the users information configuration, since the information received from the Authorization HTTP Request header will pass through this filter so that it can authenticate the user. In order to do the authentication, the filter will use the realm set at securityManager.realms; here’s where Apache Shiro simplifies things, since all the authentication process is handled internally.

Warning WARNING: By default Apache Shiro handles users sessions, this shouldn’t be used in a REST service since by nature it should be stateless. To avoid this behavior a DefaultWebSessionManager can be used disabling the use of a session cookie (learn more at Native Sessions - DefaultWebSessionManager). The WEB-INF/shiro.ini file should have the following lines uncommented:

sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
securityManager.sessionManager.sessionIdCookieEnabled = false

Restrict access

If the authentication filter is going to be used, then it must be related to an URL path or paths. The [urls] section helps to define this behavior, the following sections explain what must be done in order to configure the access according to the implementer needs. The default behavior is Disable basic authentication.

Basic authentication with permissive access

The term “permissive access” means that the resources are still public, but whenever the HTTP header “WWW-Authenticate” is received the credentials will be validated in order to authenticate the user. If the authentication fails, then the corresponding 401 HTTP response code will be returned; if the authentication succeeds, then the user will be authenticated and will have access to whatever things the implementer decides.

At Shiro’s configuration file, the authcBasic filter must be enabled and in the [urls] section the corresponding resources must be related to the filter with the permissive qualifier (this qualifier is used internally by Apache Shiro to enable the permissive behavior). The configuration at shiro.ini must include these lines:

authcBasic.enabled = true
/** = authcBasic[permissive]

The path expression /** means that all the resources of the server will pass through the corresponding filter whenever they are requested, more of this can be seen at Apache Shiro’s Web INI configuration.

Basic authentication with restrictive access

The term “restrictive access” means that the resources will always require authentication in order to solve client requests. Whenever the client request a protected resource (eg. “/domains”) the server will respond with a challenge so that the client can send its credentials (see more about this process at RFC 7235 section 2). When the credentials are received by the server, then these will be validated to grant or reject access to the resource.

At Shiro’s configuration file, the authcBasic filter must be enabled and in the [urls] section the corresponding resources must be related to the filter. The configuration at shiro.ini must include these lines:

authcBasic.enabled = true
/domains/** = authcBasic

The path expression /domains/** means that the resources under and including /domains will pass through the corresponding filter, more of this can be seen at Apache Shiro’s Web INI configuration.

Basic authentication with permissive and restrictive access

Thanks to the use of URL paths expressions (eg. /**, /myresource1/**) the implementer can use distinct filters at each resource that’s required, this allows to RedDog mix the use of permissive and restrictive access in a simple way.

The configuration will be a combination of permissive access and restrictive access, so the shiro.ini file must include these lines:

authcBasic.enabled = true
/domains/** = authcBasic
/** = authcBasic[permissive]

The order of the filters matters (see more at Apache Shiro’s documentation of [urls]). If the resource /domains is requested then the authcBasic filter will proceed to use restrictive access, since the URL path expression /domains/** is before the /** expression.

Disable basic authentication

Disabling the authentication is simple, and by default is disabled.

One approach to disable the authentication is to remove/comment the use and declaration of the authcBasic filter that’s used and go up from there removing the unnecessary configurations at shiro.ini (eg. the customRealm isn’t needed so it can be erased, and since it’s going to be erased then the line securityManager.realms = $customRealm isn’t needed as well). Once that the declaration and use of authcBasic is removed, instead of using the authcBasic filter the anon filter can be used; this is the AnonymousFilter provided by Apache Shiro (see more information about Apache Shiro’s Default Filters). So the shiro.ini file will look like this:

/** = none

Another approach that can be used is to disable the authcBasic filter that was defined, the default [urls] section doesn’t need to be modified if the authcBasic was being used. When the filter is disabled, all of the URLs that had a relation with that filter will skip such filter (see more at Apache Shiro’s documentation Enabling and Disabling Filters).

The configuration at shiro.ini must include these lines:

authcBasic.enabled = false
/** = authcBasic[permissive]

Apache Shiro’s Subject

RedDog uses the Subject object provided by Apache Shiro. This object simplifies the validations related to users access level based on authentication and the use of access roles.

The Subject is always available thanks to org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils.getSubject() function, and it contains relevant information such as the user’s name and roles (if it’s authenticated).

This object is used by UserInfo struct, which is a struct useful for privacy settings (learn more at Configuring Response Privacy). Beside this, the Subject also helps to verify the max number of results than can be shown to a specific user (eg. a request to /domains could validate this, just as seen in DomainSearchServlet class).

More documentation

Apache Shiro can be customized to suite the needs that the implementer has, RedDog’s implementation is just one approach of many configurations that can be done.

The purpose of this page is to understand only what’s has been done at RedDog, further explanations are out of scope. So, here’s a small guide if the reader wishes to know more about Apache Shiro:

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